The Green Factory Air Mapping System ( consists of a set of Wi-Fi PMs sensors, an IoT Gateway and additional electronic devices that set and update the optimal ventilation conditions on the filtration machine, while also collecting some working parameters from the filtration machine in order to prevent machine failure and predict maintenance conditions.

The information gathered by the smart monitoring infrastructure is collected by the MangroviaIoT platform ( and displayed on a cloud dashboard developed by SORINT.tek, which allows real-time visualisation of data read from the production environment and the plant to enable new value-added functionalities of the filtration systems.
The project realised a new electronic system to detect the concentration of PMs in industrial sites: from PM₁₋₁₁₀₀, to VOCs and CO₂ values in the air, the dashboard acts as a real management of factory processes, providing a snapshot of the air quality levels within the factory.
Thanks to the dashboard, the data collected by the IoT Air Quality Monitor sensors are fully readable by the plant’s end user, allowing constant monitoring of a range of air pollutant parameters.